Thanks so much for checking out my site. Every week there will be NEW recipes posted.
Follow me personally on twitter: @TheRealTechyAli
If you have a recipe you want me to try just DM me on twitter or use the hashtag in your tweet: #BestSweetsRecipeFan or #BestSweetsFanMail or #BestSweetsAli
Some more exciting sweet news is that I got accepted into Lincoln Culinary Institute. In a year I will be an International Pastry Chef. I am so blessed to be attending there. Cooking , Baking is my passion. When I'm in the kitchen I am not stressed at all. However, when I would do what I thought I wanted to be which was a web designer. I was stressed out when I was coding. It was just recently I had a wake up call to recheck my career field. So Here I am going to do what I love to do which is to be in the kitchen. I am still going to be my gamer/techy self but this time it is what I love to do which is Culinary.
I am still currently looking for a job. However, now I am applying to all the bakeries in palm beach and in near me.
Thanks for checking out my site.
Everyone have a sweet Day.
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